Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Routing the Cables Underneath

Not surprisingly, we need to connect the batteries in back with the batteries in front and also include the main circuit breaker under the parking brake. These lines are typically routed under the car in the trough left by the exhaust system.

Many people use pool tubing to protect the battery cables from road dirt. After looking at the tubing selection at the local hardware store, I opted to use reinforced radiator hose tubes (outside diameter 1", inside diameter 3/4"). These hoses were cheaper than pool tubing and were more built for the harsh automotive environment. The were also more flexible so I could bend them around corners to properly route the cables.

I'll have to add more pictures later of this, but here's a good shot from under the car of the cables inside the radiator hose. I used hose mounting brackets bolted into the existing studs that held up the exhaust shields. Note the break in the cable near the center of the picture to attach to the high-current circuit-breaker. I tie-wrapped battery terminal covers over the breaker connections to protect them as well.

In the background is my trusty 914 EV charging up (power cord on the right side) for the next run to the hardware store.

While not pictured, the battery cable enclosed in radiator hose snakes back to the two holes on either side of the trunk just behind the rear seat. These holes previously had plastic plugs in them, but they now have grommets for the battery cable. The last picture in this post shows where the cables come up through.

This is one of the neighborhood students named Joseph. He drops by to watch whenever he sees me working on the car. Our interactions are noteworthy because he only speaks French and I only speak English. He helps out when he can despite our language barrier.

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